User Experience: Think About Customer Loyalty

This is why you should think about your customers.

//User Experience: Think About Customer Loyalty

User Experience: Think About Customer Loyalty

User Experience (UX) is much more than the ease of access to information on a website. For brands, it is an essential process both in attracting customers and increasing loyalty.

In an age where technology and information are available to anyone, the simple fact that a website does not contain all the necessary information, or is not easily accessible or clear, is a huge mistake that will make your company pay a high price. Since the first step of a potential customer, when looking for a product or service, is to visit websites of brands who offer it, shouldn’t it be mandatory for brands to be crystal clear about what they offer?

What Is It?

User Experience (UX) – ease of interaction, comprehension and clarification of a customer in the website of a company, with the goal of providing him with a satisfying experience in the understanding of what’s that company’s organization, services and resources – is the first line of communication between brands and customers. If this process does not occur in a positive and enlightening way, it is almost certain that clients will search for other brands which present themselves more effectively in the online world.

How to Offer a Good User Experience?

Since a good User Experience depends on the previous identification of the expectations, needs and desires of consumers, it’s crucial for you to define one or more target-customers (Personas) and their characteristics. According to the patterns you find in those characteristics, you’ll be able to build idealized profiles of the most common customers of your brand. Use those profiles to understand what your website and social networks should look like: what content you should make available, the layout, the design, the information, its clarity and how you make it available, the sense of security, the communicational tone or even the navigation speed. If you get all these aspects right, that’s the starting point for a lucrative relationship between you and your customers.

One important factor in this search for information which will help you improve your User Experience is that you should always do this in a friendly and consented way. The best way to do it is by asking for the information directly to the user and offer him something in return.

But What Should I Offer?  

Whether it’s relevant content in diverse formats or even a small reward that you give them, they’ll feel they’re already being rewarded big time – and that’s only for a voluntary action.

The point here is that you get what you want but in a non-intrusive way. By giving a compensation, you’re already telling the potential customers you have something for them and that’s only the smallest part of it. If, for instance, the content you give him access to has some unequivocal value, you’ve attracted another possible customer. The relationship starts here.

A complete, satisfying and enlightening online experience will make the relationship between brands and customers prosper. Present your clients with unique offers in exchange for information which will help you improve your service. It’s a win-win situation!

By | 2018-01-22T12:03:36+00:00 October 12th, 2017|VipEnglish|0 Comments

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